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No. 1 – Have a Natural Look-n-Feel 


Stones have a natural beauty that developed over time and reflecting natural processes taken place during stone formation. Natural fading of colors, impressions of fossils, veins, grains, patterns, styles, and shades of colors making each stone piece unique from others. Natural stones are cool, warm, and energetic to look at. 


"The vibrancy and life of natural stone cannot be captured by any painted product."


No. 2 – Natural Stone Ages Well


Stones can give your property rustic and time-worn effects. Strength, durability, and versatility of natural stones on your walls, particularly, the exterior side can increase the overall value of the property. Other building materials become unsightly over the course of many years, the natural stone retains a natural patina, which is not detrimental to its beauty. Many natural stones are like good wine. They only attain their full elegance with advancing years. Even centuries-old floor coverings can be ground, polished, and restored to their natural condition. The lifetime of natural stone is extremely long. With the right planning and construction, buildings of natural stone have been known to survive for many thousands of years.


"There is always an emotional connection with buildings and monuments built in stones that carry a great meaning because of history and a legacy of mankind through the ages."


No. 3 – Environmentally Friendly (Green Attributes)


Environmentally Friendly- Opting to use natural stone rather than synthetic material can benefit the environment in many ways. In its natural state, it does not require the use of energy or power for production. As a result, pollution is not generated in the creation of natural stone, and we’re saving energy for the Earth. Natural stone also has a thermal mass which naturally insulates, saving energy that would be needed to cool or heat a home.


Natural Stone Is Ecological. Natural stone as a building material is found in nature in a virtually finished form. No energy is needed for its actual manufacture. Energy is only consumed for quarrying and processing, but the share is small when compared to other building materials. The stone is extracted mostly from relatively small quarries without major blasting operations. The unused stone waste can be used directly for filling in the parts of the quarry where stone has been extracted or for other practical uses.


Unique :Natural stones like granite, marble, limestone, slate and sandstone, among other possess innate characteristics that contribute towards LEED that is Leadership in energy and environment design. Stones are considered as low embodied energy, ready availability as a natural stone’s low embodied energy, ready availability as a naturally occurring material. Some of the high properties of stones are high thermal capacitance, no off-gass to impair indoor air quality, exceptional durability for low maintenance and structural permanence. Use of natural stones shows the care, love for mother nature and environment.Natural stones are made from quartz-like particles called silica etc. Almost most of the stones are unique posses different design etc. Designing a project with natural stone show your care for environment, it will always stand out and reflect the passion, taste and personality of the designer along with the designs. Natural stones cannot be faked, mimicked and manufactured in any laboratory so it is one of the kind of building material and unique.​​


"Nothing is lost in the complete cycle of natural stone quarrying, processing and the return to nature."


No. 4 – Every Stone is Unique


Natural stone is a natural product whose individual properties are determined by the type and bonding of the minerals comprising the natural stone. Natural stone holds an outstanding position among all building materials: components of natural stone are unique specimens that can be combined with each other and with any other materials.


"Natural stone is no uniform industrial product…it shows the history of its origin."


No. 5 – Varied (Limitless Design Potential)


Unlike other construction material, natural stones have great versatility to fit in various spaces of your home, be it exterior, fireplace, terrace, patio, façade, gardens, wall cladding, kitchen, bathroom, or living room.


Natural stone can be shaped, trimmed and chiseled to take on any specifications without losing any coloration or effect. You can add interest in façade by cladding walls with different patterns and stone types. You can transform your kitchen into a triangle of rustic colors by wall cladding with different types of stones and colors along with stone paving. Play matching and contrasting games with different stones on counter tops and cabinet tops in your kitchen.


"Developers and architects therefore have a broad spectrum of choice, which allows matching to any desired appearance or ambience. . A suitable natural stone is available for about any requirement imposed on a building material.​"


No. 6 – Insulate Property from Weather Extremities


Rocks or stones are natural material with lots of minerals including calcite and silicates which are ideal for beating various weather extremities.


  • It is an extremely durable material which lasts for a lifetime with losing its colour or lustre when exposed to direct sunlight.

  • It helps in sound insulation by acting as a barrier between the external sounds and the sounds of the interiors.

  • Stone Cladding is a non-porous and non-absorbent material. It does not absorb as any moisture and protects the internal wall from water absorption. Care should be taken that the wall is dry and moisture is not trapped during installation.

  • It is weather resistant.


Natural stone has very good thermal conductivity and large heat storage capacity. Natural stone as a façade material absorbs the heat radiated by the sun and prevents unwanted heating up the building. Tests show an energy requirement of 100 – 150 kWh/m2 for multi-story buildings with stone facades, in contrast to an energy requirement of 300 – 700 kWh/m2 for the necessary heating and cooling of glass facades.


"Stone cladding acts as a very good heat insulating layer which reduces the carbon footprint of the building. It acts as a neutral layer preventing any heat loss or heat gain in the building. This increases the energy efficiency and reduces the electric bills."


No. 7 – Easy to Maintain


Natural stones are the sturdiest material with durability, longevity, and weather resistant properties. Thus, stones hardly break. Stains are rare to get a permanent place on stones. Plain water can wash most of the dirt and stains easily. Therefore, stones are a resilient material that lasts for long with low maintenance.


Therefore, stone cleaning is easy with dusting and sweeping practices. Simple soap or detergent solutions can bring the shine back of stones. Strong wipers are enough to remove frost or snow and rainwater in exterior and interior wet prone areas. For instance, bath, toilet, and kitchen in interior places are easy to wash quickly and with the least efforts, tools, and chemicals. Siliceous stones are acid resistant to some extent compared to calcareous stones. So, with proper care, you can keep the beauty of stones for years to come. By properties, stones are hard and dense material to withstand against high foot traffic areas of outside spaces. Frequent cleaning and washing hardly affect the look-n-feel of stones.


"Sunlight, rains, and frost cannot fade the natural beauty of stones - Color, patterns, and surfaces remain intact for decades with without any kind of maintenance and cleaning practices."


No. 8 – Strength & Resilient (Durable)


The load bearing capacity of stone is immense and equivalent to modern RCC structural frames. Therefore, huge historical monuments are standing for centuries without collapsing over time. It allows us to use whole stone cubes as a structural material in exterior as well as interior parts of the construction frame. Stairs, Trims, columns, and beams made up of stones are favorite material in modern construction.


Natural stones exhibits a durability that cannot be found in other building materials. There is always a emotional connection with emotional connection to building and monuments build in stones that carries a great meaning because of history and a legacy of man kind through the ages. Cobblestone is known for its indestructible qualities. When choosing between construction materials, keep in mind the ability of stone to withstand rain, wind, snow, hail, fire and heat. Further, when stone is used to build interior structures like countertops, it is not easily scratched, stained, or burned. The high-pressure resistance values of many natural stones have given the material a reputation of being an everlasting material.


"Natural stone is also the most durable material with the lowest abrasion values for floor coverings. Coverings of granite or similar hard stones show hardly any signs of wear even after decades of use."


No. 9 – A Plenty of Choices for Styling & Finishing


Natural stones wall cladding offers a unique and personalized touch when carefully planned and installed.


There is enormous diversity of natural stones that encourages limitless designs potential. No other building material has as many different colors and structures as natural stone. Various surface finishing processes make variety just about unlimited. Natural stones are often chosen for their good visual and technical qualities.


"Natural stones have grains, veins, patterns, and unique colors. The amalgamation of all renders it unique material with natural beauty that we love to stare all-time with triggered imagination."



No. 10 – Cost-Effective (Value)


With the advent of quarrying and shipping technologies, all kinds of natural stones are available at any corner of the world. Cutting and finishing technologies have reduced the price tags of stone considerably.


  • If the total cost of building material is considered over a useful life of 30 years or more, independent investigators show that natural stone is no more expensive than comparable synthetic building materials.

  • The relatively high investment costs are offset by the low long-term maintenance costs and long life.

  • The cost of cleaning and maintenance of natural stone is low.


Health Conscious - The natural state of stone means that no chemicals or synthetics are added to it. We should always be conscious of the material we’re using to build the place in which we live. This is the atmosphere in which we’ll spend a lot of our time and the air we’ll be breathing each day. Using natural material, especially stone will lower our chances of ingesting airborne chemicals and having long-term health effects.


"The lifespan of Natural Stones is multiple times higher than standard options such as woods, bricks, cement-concrete, and manufactured ceramic tiles. Therefore, natural stones in your exterior spaces prove a cost-efficient option in the long run."

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